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utopia 365 iPhone Development Services

Monday, 26 April 2010

Polypool website

Big concepts. Cute designs. Clean looks. That's the new Polypool website, just about launched at www.polypool.co.uk today.

We're still working together on some content so expect a few changes over the coming days/weeks.

We'll be working with Polypool on more future developments and designs than you can shake a stick at over the coming months! Big thanks especially to Ryan and Karen at Polypool - we're glad you're loving it all as much as we are.

Below is a massive preview of how it all looks. Nice isn't it! :o)

Polypool.co.uk - designed and developed by utopia 365

Gorgeous Galleries

Polypool.co.uk makes extensive use of our gorgeous galleries, through our own 'Media Block' system (dubbed UTMediaBlock, for our use only) - built directly into associateMe. We can also utilise UTMediaBlock independently of associateMe in other Rails websites we develop. As well as images, it can also handle: Video, Flash Video, Flash Movies, Silverlight, YouTube and audio (such as MP3).

a UTMediaBlock gallery

Our famed in-line contact forms

We use these a lot - our famed in-line contact forms, and Polypool has one! Click the main 'contact us' link and it drops down from the top of the page ready to fill out... nice, smooth, functional and pretty much universally adored by our customers.

Inline contact-forms by utopia 365

Beautiful Case Studies

Another advantage of UTMediaBlock is that we can utilise it as a method of navigation. That's just what we do for Polypool with their Case Studies, Completed Projects and Live/Current Projects. A large UTMediaBlock shows a pretty picture for each entry and you select between them using the Next and Previous buttons. UTMediaBlock then loads in the correct content for each entry as you work your way through. It looks and works beautifully.

Inline contact-forms by utopia 365


Polypool.co.uk is the first website to be built from the ground-up with associateMe and with associateMe in mind. We've used associateMe with a fair few earlier developments, but it has often been a case of trying to hack concepts and ideas into existing developments - never ideal. Now? We can start building our sites from day one with associateMe - and instantly gain access to much of the power it offers.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

2 years on


It is with great pleasure that we wish ourselves “Happy Birthday” today. utopia 365 LLP are 2 years old!

These past 2 years have flown by and we have gone from strength to strength. It’s been an extremely exciting time, especially taking into account we have effectively started up during one of the worst recessions in history - we’re still here, and we’re still busy!

Being careful, selective and Andy doing some crazy hard work has ensured we have been able to progress rather than regress.

We look forward to what the future holds knowing some of the exciting things we are working on.

A big thanks to all our customers.



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