utopia 365 - some of our clients
utopia 365 iPhone Development Services

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

3 Years old

It's been far too long since the last Blog post but things have just been so busy.

However, last month marked an important date which we can't let slip past and that is we're now 3 years old!

It has been an amazing journey and we're still here having worked our way through some of the most economically challenging times the UK (and indeed the world) has seen.

iOS development requests continue to explode, and rails application development is also increasing.

We're solidly booked and working with some excellent clients. If you are interested in working with us then please feel free to get in contact.

We'll hopefully update the website with some of our latest work in the future as there has been a lot happening.


Monday, 24 January 2011

impatex - a work in progress

Hot off the press a re-vamp of the impatex.com website.

Powered by associateMe and other ruby on rails goodies...

More to come and further site-advances as time goes on...





Monday, 10 January 2011

Cupcakes By Jane

Here's a quick plug for a mini site we put together for some friends last year:


Providing really cute, really cool cupcakes (and other cakes) for folks in and around Southampton, if you need something special - you know where to go.




Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Weekly Planner

Here's an older community project that's moved along and now in use.

This is a ruby on rails based weekly planner.


With simplicity in mind, weekly planner lets you create labels (be that people, objects, events - whatever works for you). Once created you can assign those labels to blocks of time spread over.... a week. This is great for rotas, groups etc. and removes much of the bloat from a fully-fledged calendar app.

Printing, email reminders and uber drag-and-drop coming very soon.






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