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Friday, 30 May 2008

It's good to give....

So now begins the start of what will be a few posts on my up-and-coming charity events. I like to do things every so often to raise money for worth-while charities. 

This year I am going to do 2 events:

  1. In July I am doing my first skydive. It's Tandem (I would love to go solo, but that's not sensible) and should be around 10,000 feet. I am not afraid of heights, but I am afraid of chutes not opening.
  2. The London to Paris cycle. This is the 'big' one. I will cycle just over 300 miles from London to Paris in September. Lot's of training needed for this - it's going to hurt. 

I can't say I am not excited about doing these - I am. But lots of time and effort will need to go in to make it happen, and that's just on my part - there is all the organisation that goes along with it to make these events happen. 

What's it about then? Is it just so some of us get to have a crazy time? No, this is really about making an awareness of a charity that needs help. There are LOADS of charities out there that need help.
"We can't help them all, but what is important is we do help". 

Even if it is only one, then making a donation does make a difference (time, money etc.). As lots of people do the same the funds come in to meet targets, improve facilities and make a difference to the lives that these charities support.

I'm doing this for The Rose Road Association. This is a fabulous charity that allows young children with disabilities to have some great life experiences. Have a look at their site and you may even find some way that you can get involved. 

What's great is you can help - you can sponsor me! I have set a target of £2000 but in reality I think we can all raise more than that! If you want, visit my justgiving site and make a donation. 


I'll keep my progress updated every-so-often so you know what's going on. You can keep tabs on some of my training here.

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