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Thursday, 26 June 2008

Oh my, this could get interesting....here come the domains

The BBC is running an article on how ICANN has decided to open up the top-level domain name registrations, which effectively means that we will get thousands (probably millions) of new domains.

Now any 'brand' will end up as a domain name. I don't know about you but I'm already struggling to keep on top of all the domain identifiers. Now I'm going to have to google to find the right one! 

Naturally this also introduces a more sinister thought - a company that has a product would probably have to register many domains. This is turn means spending more money to keep hold of your brand. Has this been done for the good of the internet, or the good of the registrars?

I don't know if this is a good move or not. Perhaps if an organisation such as ICANN had better managed the current domain name registrations so people could not buy, sit on and then auction off names then we would not be in this mess?

On the other hand I can create a domain name for my kettle. Hmm, those new Nike trainers - is that www.bouncywhitetrainers.nike or www.nike.com/bouncywhitetrainers?!!

The process of introducing the new system will start in 2009.

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