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Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Mastersparesonline going strong

It has been a few weeks since the launch of the new Masterspares website (http://www.mastersparesonline.com).

The site provides hundreds of spares and accessories for various Domestic Appliances, along with many finished goods including top brands like Dualit and Miele.

Utilising the functionality of ruby on rails along with a very clean design the site is becoming popular with consumers. Mastersparesonline enables people to repair and update their appliances rather than dispose of them - saving money and being environmentally friendly.

Given that there are literally hundreds of thousands of parts and accessories it's very important for Simon (the owner) to be able to quickly add items onto the site when they become available, or if someone contacts him for a part.  Using a custom designed admin tool enables Simon to do just that, even optimising the output for Google to aid in SEO.

A nice feature for users was the 'Search as you type' facility implemented into the main site search. As customers enter a product or model/part number the search instantly starts to display the top results directly below.

You can find out more, or better yet shop online at http://www.mastersparesonline.com.

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