utopia 365 - some of our clients
utopia 365 iPhone Development Services

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Looking good...

It's hard to run your own company. The grass may always look greener, but the real world isn't always the nicest of places to be in. The security of that pay cheque every month from your employer is difficult to ignore. But, and I'm really happy to say this, utopia 365 is looking good!

A big thanks to Chris for all the effort he has put in towards securing the work to give utopia 365 the future it deserves, and a big thanks to all of our clients, who all know full-well that they don't have to doubt delivery of our promises.

We are nicely sorted for more work than you can shake a stick at for the next two/three months and we've been able to build up several very good (and we believe long-term) associations with many people, including; Impatex, Osmotech/Thaicats, Equinox Apps, Thomson Software Solutions and Camping F1 (more to follow on Camping F1 and spin-off projects later).

We believe that our work speaks for itself in terms of quality, effort, timing, support and communication. The fact that our clients (who in many cases become our friends) return to us with new projects and developments backs that up.

In many (if not most) cases, we initially start our relationship with a new client on our work with their website, although we are finding that we start that relationship with iPhone development more and more frequently. The iPhone is a wonderful platform for both developers and consumers. We see a future of promotional applications and brochures that target the unique features of the iPhone, and provide customers/guests of establishments (bars, clubs, hotels etc) with a much needed boost of technology, interest, practicality and fun.

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