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Thursday, 16 September 2010

Update iPhone to iOS 4.2 installation Error

If you are having some fun and games getting iOS 4.2 onto your iPhone then the following may help.

It seems the quick'n easy way to get the new OS onto your device for testing your Apps will no longer work. You'll find that downloading the updated OS and then restoring the phone in iTunes will partially complete, but right at the end you'll receive an error (often error 10) which leaves your iPhone in a state that needs fixing (restoring back to iOS 4.1 in iTunes).

Here's what you need to do:

- BACKUP your device.

- Ensure you have downloaded and installed the latest beta XCODE.

- Run XCode and connect your iPhone.



- You may need to authorise with Apple using your DEV account.

- Once you are done, you'll get the option to restore the iPhone in XCODE. Ensuring the right OS is selected in the drop-down (other > select OS 4.2 that your downloaded from Apple), click restore.

- Once restored, fire-up iTunes and restore your backup. You 'may' have to try this a couple of times as sometimes the first time fails (don't panic!).

- Test away.....

Personally I think what we have to do now makes sense, it was too easy previously for anyone to hack-about and play with the new OS (non-devs just to get the latest features). Bringing it into XCode somehow makes me feel happier.

NOTE: no guarantees, do at your own risk!


Anonymous said...

Keep getting an unrecognized bbupdater error on baseband update :(

Anonymous said...

The bbupdater error has been around for a couple of generations now (no doubt different).

- What device are you trying this on?
- Re-download the iOS file from Apple.
- Have you done anything 'un-official' to it - e.g. Jailbroken? If so, it would be worth restoring it to the latest official release in a non-jailbroken state before using the 'Use for Development' option is clicked in XCode.

Anonymous said...

i have 4.1 non jailbroken and I am reinstalling xcode again and I am not sure if the file is broken....

Anonymous said...

i keep getting same error

Error: updating baseband: Protocol Error.

i am on ios 4.1 on iphone (fresh restore)
trying to update to 4.2 beta
i have udid registered. I am using xcode.
i am using an iphone 4

Any advice?

Anonymous said...

I get the same error as Enes K... any idea?

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