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Monday, 14 July 2008

Gone native!

Finally, I had a bit of a chance to play with the iPhone SDK yesterday afternoon and the result is our first native iPhone App! That's right, Talee Talee's iChoose web app has gone native.

It may not the greatest app in the world but it's free and quite handy sometimes. The same Yes/No decision maker, Coin Toss and Dice roll features can be found in the native version.

Expect to see it on iTunes in the next day or so.

UPDATE 18/07/2008: OK, a couple of days shouting at my Mac cos I've been being a bit slow (or thick). I've finally managed to work out how the hell you get your app signed properly for distribution! and iChoose has been submitted for approval to the App Store., although rather worryingly iTunes Connect is still saying 'Waiting for upload...' even though I have successfully uploaded it twice with the Application Loader. Hopefully (fingers crossed) that will change soon and be 'Under review' or something.

UPDATE #2 18/07/2008: A Card Choice option has been added to iChoose, this will randomly select a playing card for you and can be used for countless entertainment purposes, such as playing Higher or Lower etc.

UPDATE #3 19/07/2008: Surprise, surprise, it was my fault that iChoose was still showing as 'Waiting for upload...' even though I had uploaded it. I was building it wrong and didn't have the required embeded.mobileprovision in the .app. It was there once - honest! A quick check on the build settings, a re-build, a re-upload and we're now "In Review".

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