utopia 365 - some of our clients
utopia 365 iPhone Development Services

Tuesday, 22 July 2008


Some people have asked me in the past about what it's like stepping out with someone to start a business. My answer - "Fantastic".

Others have said " Your mad! The economy is the worst it has been, and the recession gets deeper and deeper".  My view - if you wait for things to work out around you then you'll never do it. There will always be an excuse or an issue.

If you have a yearning to try something then the last thing you want is a regret later in life, a "what if" moment. It's better to screw up trying something than screw up in not trying something.

As for us - nearly 4 months on things are going really well. Our biggest problem is Time, or rather lack of. We have so many projects we want to work on and get involved with but finding the time to pursue them is difficult. We don't even have time to update our own site at the moment. Being busy is good though.

We are excited about our iPhone apps. utopia Solitaire is looking fabulous. The web-app version proved to be the most successful version and the native one we hope will do the same. From what I have seen compared to others though, users should appreciate the attention to detail and emphasis on it working simply. Expect it to appear in iTunes soon.

23/07/2008 by Andy: Well, hopefully you can expect to see utopia solitaire on iTunes soon, anyway... It's a bit of a git getting apps submitted! We're still waiting to get iChoose approved - several days after submission! I've just emailed Apple and hope to get some kind of response soon. :-(

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