We asked iChoose if it wanted to update itself. It did. We asked iChoose if it wanted to go all 2.0, and, guess what? It did!
Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you iChoose 2.0. Coming to the iPhone App Store real soon.
iChoose will always remain free. We will not (as so many others have) suddenly start charging for our free apps in some vain, crass and stupid attempt to gain popularity. You will, however, be given the opportunity to make a donation towards the future development and evolution of iChoose, should you so desire.
"The Swiss Army Knife of choice"
(source: the UK App Store iChoose reviews)
What's new?
* iChoose Settings (in the iPhone Settings App)
+ Turn animations on/off when making decisions (the initial 'flip' from the '?' button is retained)
+ Individual settings for certain decision makers (choices)
* iChoose interface
+ New 'improved' look
+ Added a 'Hold' button to let you hold your choice until you've finished with it
+ 'Additional' button for some decision makers - e.g. 'Roll All Dice' for Dice ROLL (see below)
* Coin Toss
+ Added 'Real Coin' graphics option (A £2 GBP coin to be precise)
* Dice Roll
+ Choose to have 1-6 dice on screen
+ Roll each dice individually, or roll all dice at the same time
+ On-screen 'total' of dice values, e.g '= 7'
+ 'Hold' dice rolls
* New (More ...) decision makers (choices)
+ 'Let iChoose Choose' - iChoose will take you to a random decision maker/choice
+ Rock/Paper/Scissors
+ Loves Me/Loves Me Not
+ Red/Black
+ Boy/Girl
+ Quit/Stay
+ iPhone/iPod touch
+ Mac/PC
+ Weather (rain, sun, snow etc)
+ Random Number (range of numbers defined by you in the settings - defaults to between 1 and 100)