utopia 365 - some of our clients
utopia 365 iPhone Development Services

Tuesday, 19 August 2008


Bloody good people they are over at BPWEB. Very helpful.

Having thought that I'd managed to locally configure Rubygems and Rails 2 on a shared account with them, I discovered that it was in fact there support team that had done so.

Needing to do the same thing for another client this morning, I hopelessly spent the best part of 3 hours trying to do what I thought I'd done before before failing and submitting a support ticket. The result, a few minutes later: Sam has (as he did before) upgraded the server with Rubygems 1.2.0 and Rails 2.1.0.


BPWEB hosting (recommended)

PS. Spoke a little too soon. Issues with other Rails apps on the same server have arisen, although BPWEB are working hard right now to fix them.

PPS. Pete, if you are reading... sorry, we were responsible (indirectly) for impatex.com being broken today. Not really our fault, but it was our request that broke things. Oops.

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