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Thursday, 11 December 2008


It is the BBC's Sports Personality of the Year award this sunday. SPOTY has a hard time this year. The prime award is offered to the best British sports star in the last 12 months. With this being an Olympic year (in which we did so well) that it is a hard task, and an often biased task, to decide who should win the award.

The main award is a public vote. It will be decided by the public phoning voting system, the BBC may have a slightly tarnished recent history on public phone votes, but all will be good and decided by the voters. That's good democracy.

There are only two winners. I say only, because there are far more candidates that deserve a chance. We have fabulous Cyclers, amazing Rowers, but there are only two winners for the public to decide upon for this award. They are Lewis Hamilton and Rebecca Adlington.

My sports are Football and Motor Racing. Lewis is exceptional. Perhaps he should show a little more humility at times, but he is destined to be one of the best drivers of all time. Certainly the best British driver. I grew up watching F1 with Mansell and later Damon Hill. I watched (teary eyed) when Damon won his title in '96. I do not mind admitting that I shed tears, it meant so much to me and the man who was never the best, but worked his socks off to get his job done. Lewis is different to Damon, he has the natural talent and ability, he came into F1 at a young age and in one of the best cars. I admire Lewis, I respect Lewis but I cannot vote for Lewis this year.

The F1 decider this year was a fascinating race. McLaren were far too cautious. Lewis was out of it, although I know they say they knew that Glock would falter at the line - I cannot believe you would let it go that close!

Lewis deserves his title. He would have deserved last years' title even more, but, and I stop my personal preferences now, Becky Adlington has one chance every 4 years for stardom. We did not have a lot of belief in our athletes going into the games this year, and we certainly did not expect such a performance from a British woman in the pool. We knew we would do well in the cycling, we knew we would do well in the rowing, the pool? No. That was such an amazing performance, in one race she was thought not to even enter.

Becky Adlington, we the nation, announce you BBC Sports Personality of the Year. Well done girl! Amazing to watch and my sporting moment of the year (even though I did have to get up early to watch it live).


That is all. :-)

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