utopia 365 - some of our clients
utopia 365 iPhone Development Services

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

iPhone Development - Changing direction (being agile)

Here in utopia we are finding a steady increase of customers asking for iPhone Apps.

It's a great arena to be in, and one that we're thoroughly enjoying.


Starting out, it was very much about producing and launching our own iPhone Apps. In all honesty our thoughts were:

  • Write some Apps for the iPhone
  • Release
  • Get rich
  • Repeat

However, we like so many others found it does not work that way (it can, and has - but it's the rarity not the norm).

That's when we had to take a long hard think about what we should do. Give-up and just concentrate on the other side of our business (Web Apps, RoR, Design and Development) - or, persevere.

Changing Direction

After some research and a little browsing we soon found that there were people out there with lots of great ideas for the iPhone, but no way of getting those ideas developed.....that's when we realised we could help.

Roll on several months and we are in the thick of developing iPhone Apps for our clients. We've produced several that we can say about, and several that we can't. Some people like our Apps to appear as if they have developed it themselves rather than out-sourced (Agencies etc). We can accommodate that.

What we are proud of is repeat work and being told our code is of a higher standard than others they (the agencies) have used. If we're developing it then we certainly do not want our Apps full of bugs or under-performing.

It's our name, and we're proud of it.

p.s. We're still developing our own Apps in the background. In-fact, we're working on something that could change everything....

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