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Saturday, 21 March 2009

utopia 365 and Internet Explorer 6

In a decision that I personally would have made a long time ago, we have finally made the call, and are announcing that we are no longer supporting IE 6 for any websites or projects.

Of course, our customers can still request that their website is compatible with IE 6, although we will be advising of it's pitfalls and charging for the additional time required to support a dead browser that breaks all the rules and benefits neither us, our customers or internet users at large.

The reasons should be self evident to most, but if you are unaware of why IE 6 support has to be dropped, Google is your friend and will help you find all you need to know.

We urge all IE 6 users (or users of other old web browsers) to upgrade to a more modern web browser immediately. In order of preference, we suggest:

1. Safari DOWNLOAD (Mac OS X and Windows - some Windows users may prefer the 'look' of Firefox to Safari)
2. Firefox DOWNLOAD (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and others)
3. Opera DOWNLOAD (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and others)

4. Google Chrome DOWNLOAD (Windows - Mac OS X and Linux/other versions are likely to follow at some point)
5. Internet Explorer 7 or above DOWNLOAD (Windows)

* We don't mention version numbers for Safari, Firefox or Opera because we know that users of these browsers make it their responsibility to have the latest version installed.

Please remember to keep your web browser up to date! Mac OS X and Windows will attempt to ensure that you always have the latest version of Safari or Internet Explorer installed, but you can always manage things yourself by visiting the download links above periodically and ensuring that you have the latest version installed.

Thank you for your time!
The good men and women of utopia 365

PS. Or you could tell us to get stuffed and join the IE 6 Supporter's Club (video below)... looks like a fun meet! :-)

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